Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Friday, August 31, 2012
Hi Everyone, If you have made a purchase with me in the last 24 hrs (you aren't alone) it might be a little delayed depending on where you are in the queue. You all really like Bella! I am going to work as fast as I can but it might take me an extra day to get all of these orders out. How about we give a little of this away today? Out To Sea by Sarah Jane: Yeehaw 15 FQs... Just leave me...

Bella is here!

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Hi Everyone, Bella has arrived... I made plus bundles with solids to match each color and regular bundles too Bella by Lotta Jansdotter ...

Out To Sea is in ...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Hi Everyone, Sorry I have been so quiet... the stupid headache lingers ugh! Anyway at least there is a lot of pretty fabric in the shop: Out To Sea ...

Nursery Versery, Ruby Star Vinyl, and Echino

Monday, August 27, 2012
Woot my Kokka order came! Nursery Versery  Echino Ruby Star 2012/Vinyl ...

A winner and a sale code

Saturday, August 25, 2012
Hi Everyone, Let's giveaway this bundle of The Ladies Stitching Club: Pretty Pretty! Mr. Random said: and number 102 is: Michelle said... I also look to bloggers for inspiration. I love Pleasant Home, Diary of a Quilter, and PS I Quilt. I also love most of Moda's fabric lines and those offer a lot of inspiration to me as well. And, don't even get me started on Pinterest. LOL August 17,...

Happy Friday and the Two Giveaways

Friday, August 24, 2012
Hi Everyone, I am sorry for being so quiet this week. I just had tons of orders over last weekend and it took me most of the week to catch up. Then I had a nasty migraine yesterday... eww. All better now and I have these fun giveaways to send you to: My friend Diane is having a blogiversary and we are giving away this bundle of Indie from Art Gallery Fabrics. So head on over to her blog and enter...

Field Study, Chicopee and Pieces of Hope.

Monday, August 20, 2012
Finally Pictures Pieced of Hope Field Study Chicopee ...

Happy Monday and a Winner

Hi Everyone, Sorry I ddn't get around to drawing for the giveaway from Friday before last this weekend. The shop kept me hopping. This is what our lucky winner will receive: Starflakes and Glitter from Tina Givens Mr. Random said: And number 12 is: diane said... I like making Christmas pillows. Have fun with your friend. I like watching Project Runway, too. August 10, 2012...

Oh Dear... Oh Deer

Saturday, August 18, 2012
Oh Deer is here... It reminds me of Half Moon Modern but the dots are smaller :) Oh Deer by Momo The tiny deer slay me... Field Study and Chicopee are here too but I am waiting on one more box on Monday then I can get bundle pictures....

Friday not so fun.... and a Giveaway anyway

Friday, August 17, 2012
Argh! My Shipment of Field Study and Chicopee cannot be tracked by UPS it says it has been in Illinois for the last 4 days.... I just checked it this morning because it was supposed to be in today. I think probably not until at least Monday now.  Grump grump grump! So how about some Tea Cakes? Ladies Stitching Club in Tea Cakes Colorway FQ bundle: So pretty! Did you see this adorable quilt...

The Ladies Stitching Club Is Here

Thursday, August 16, 2012
It is so pretty! The Ladies Stitching Club by Oliver & S ...

Newsletter Correction

Hi Everyone, Obviously the date on the coupon was supposed to be 8/22 not 7/22 sorry about that......

Madrona Road and a little Melody MIller

Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Hi Everyone, Madrona Road finally arrived.. You can find it here Then a little bit of something unexpected (when I say unexpected I mean... I didn't order it) but really could I resist keeping it? They swear I ordered it so, okay, I will keep it.  You can find it here at a great price if I do say so myself. ...

Happy Monday!

Monday, August 13, 2012
Hi Everyone! How was your weekend? I was pretty busy. The hubby got home from Canada last night...thank heaven... I missed him! Here is what I finished up on Saturday during the Project Runway Marathon: Then yesterday I wrote a tutorial for the newsletter on an easy way to make butterfly blocks. Have you seen these all over the net? Like Rita's here I adore that quilt. There is just no way...

The Ladies Stitching Club and Pre-order Information

Friday, August 10, 2012
Hi Got some pre-cuts of this delicious collection... if you are waiting for yardage it should be in no later than next Thursday. I have decided to start taking some pre-orders. Please read the terms here and let me know if you have any questions. Chicopee and Field Study shipped today and will be in next Friday....

Friday Fun Day ... and Two Giveaways

Hi Everyone, Oh my goodness I haven't blogged since Monday... eep! It took me until Wednesday to get all of the sale orders cut (that is the longest it has taken me to recover from a sale) then my mom was here yesterday so I just didn't have time. I hope you all had an awesome week. Today I am offering my favorite Christmas collection for a giveaway. I wish you guys could see this in person I think...

Indie Is Here

Monday, August 6, 2012
Here is Indie I did some plus bundles too so go check them out...

Happy Monday

Hi Everyone, Well there was some weird coding in my sale post the other day. I actually had to fix it in the HTML to get it to work for you all. It worked fine for me but I think it had something to do with my log in.... anyway... I am super crazy with the sale but I wanted to show this terrible picture of the two quilts I finished last week... I had to take the picture at 5 AM on Friday before my...

Extending the sale

Sunday, August 5, 2012
Since some people couldn't see the information about the sale I am extending until noon Eastern tomorrow 8/ is the info: For the sale... I don't want to have to move all of this fabric into the new shop so y ou have to help me move it out... so the code is MOVEIT for 20% off everything.   1. No individual fat quarters during the sale but you can buy fat quarter bundles 2. Please...

A Sale and a Winner

Saturday, August 4, 2012
Hi Everyone, I am not in the mountains after all... my bestie got bronchitis so she is doing the hot tea and antibiotics thing and I am home after all. So I decided it was a good time to have a sale. More on that in a moment first let's giveaway this: It even has one more fat quarter since the last bolt showed up yesterday. Mr Random said: YC said... So fun! August 3, 2012 12:24 PM...

Fabric Avalanche!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012
Hi Everyone, Eskimo Pie Flannel, Coquette, Down Under and the rest of the Kona Modern Quilts prints that I ordered came today... Also an update on the most anticipated... Bella now says September (update: just talked to my rep and it will be here in August after all) whoop!  Madrona Road will be here soon they were holding my order because three of the bolts are back ordered I told them to send...

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway

Hi Everyone, Are you ready for a fun weekend? I am! I am going to visit my bestie tomorrow... woot! I am going to have a litte sale next week so keep your eyes peeled :) Here is what we are giving away today: All of the prints from The Good Life. Head on over to Maureen's blog and enter to win some... Have an amazing weekend if I don't see you aga...

I am so flattered...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Hey Everyone, If you haven't seen it yet Art Gallery Fabrics has a little story about my shop. Go have a look see. Many thanks to Adrianne for her photography skills and to my sweet friend Jennifer for the loan of all of her amazing Art Gallery creations....

Lillybelle is back in stock

Hi Everyone, Just in case you have been looking for it. LillyBelle is finally back in stock. Some of the major pieces sold out so quick and then we had to wait for a month to get it back but it is here now... I also stocked all of the Pure Elements Solids ....

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