Friday Fun Day and The Giveaway

Friday, October 28, 2011
Hi Everyone, Here we are in Houston... got up early and almost everyone is still asleep. The giveaway is being hosted today by Maureen you don't want to miss getting in on a little bit of this.. you get to pick your palette either Glamour or Dreamer... Keep an eye on the facebook and twitter there will be more updates on Market. Sample Spree tonight.... woohoo!...

Market Bag and The Gangs All Here

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Hi Everyone, This will be a quick blog post... there is just so much to do before I leave at oh dark thirty tomorrow morning. While I am gone I will be posting sporadically if you follow me on Facebook you will get the whole low down as it happens. Because I now have an HTC Status... so I can post pictures fast and easy :) As promised a pic of the bag I made myself for Market. I have been wanting...

Getting All My Ducks In A Row... And Waddling Them To Market

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Hi Everyone, I can't believe I have to pack tomorrow. My flight is in the wee hours of Thursday morning. I had 5 things that were on my list to finish before the first weekend in November. Here is the latest finish that has to be in the mail before I go: Finished it Sunday night. It will be hard to say goodbye to it. I heart it for sure. Here are the other things in the order in which they were...

Lark, Outfoxed and Half of Meet The Gang Are Here...

Monday, October 24, 2011
One of the Meet the Gang Boxes must have gotten seperated LOL working on getting it posted in the s...

Happy Monday We Have Winners Of Delighted and Pincushion Goodness

Hi Everyone! Gonna be a great day around here! Lark will be here this afternoon! Woot! And we have winners of the Bottle Cap Pin Cushion kits and Delighted Fat Quarters... So without further ado... Mr. Random has a list randomizer so I used it to pick the 11 names. #1 wins the Fat Quarters everyone else gets pin cushion kits. Here they are in order: 55. mblittle5 said... Thanks for...

In Which The Winner Of The Mystery Prize Is Announced.

Saturday, October 22, 2011
... well I thought it sounded more elegant than winner winner chicken dinner... and you have to be elegant when you giveaway Rendezvous... Dang it is so pretty..... So let's get to it... Mr. Random said: And Ms. #291 is: Debra said... I already like you on Fcaebook! October 15, 2011 11:54 AM Yay! Debra I will email you in a minute. Thanks so much to everyone who entered! Wow...

Friday fun day?

Friday, October 21, 2011
Hi Everyone, The Giveaway is here  in case you missed it. I hope you will forgive me but I am taking the day off from blogging... or kinda... 'cause obviously I am here right? I have been sick all week and I just need a day to recover. Thought I would leave you with a picture of something else that is coming next week. Everything is getting here just in time for me to leave ...

Market...It's Just a Week Away...

Thursday, October 20, 2011
Hi Everyone, Yes, it  is true. A week from today I will be on a plane to Market... where I will hopefully be able to grab some of this from Sample Spree: Good Fortune by Kate Spain I love those colors don't you? Yummy wonderful! (sorry Kate I stole your picture... couldn't help it really!) Wanna hear something funny? I love it when I go to look at my bank account online and...

It's My Party and I'll Craft If I Want To...

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Okay it isn't really my party... it is Amanda's but since she is letting us Creative Consultants help host it all around the country and the world... well you get the picture. This is Delighted... just in case you haven't seen it around here enough :) What you can't see from the pictures is how amazing this would be for Christmas decorations. It would also be oh so adorable...

GO! Baby Birdhouse Quilt Tutorial and Last Day For Discount

Monday, October 17, 2011
Hi Everyone! Phew what a weekend! First the hubby brought home the creeping crud (AKA common cold) from work and shared it with me. Then I sewed my little heart out to get this tutorial ready for you today. As you can probably tell from the name of this post the super gracious and oh so generous people over at Accuquilt gave me a Go! Baby to play with. Did you know if you sign up to receive...

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