Let's Par-tay

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Hi Everyone,

We have the decorations:

So in the immortal words of Ty Pennington (who has a gorgeous new collections coming to the shop this December by the way) LET'S DOOO IIITTTTT!

Delighted Launch Party Wednesday, October 19th. Get your party frocks (suits) and come on over!

Over exposed gratuitous glamour shot :)

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12 comments on "Let's Par-tay"
  1. I will `virtually` be there - `driver, move that bus!`

  2. Count me in! (virtually, of course - I don't think I'd have a very good time if I were physically there since I'd have to bring the troops with me. And I'm sure Amanda wouldn't appreciate them getting into all of the lovelies. Oh yeah, my two year old would climb the walls to get to that banner!

  3. Ooh how fun. I can't wait to see Ty's newest line. And I LOVE Delighted.

  4. Can't wait for the party to begin. cute decorations

  5. I`ll be there!!I love Delighted.

  6. Count me *virtually* there! Who could resist that bunting?


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