A fabric retrospective in bags...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Hi Everyone, Don't ask where I have been... buried under sale fabrics for days and days... I just had to show you this though... This is pretty much like saying... This is what Julie had in the shop last year....hehe... Sasha made all of these bags and there are only two who's fabric didn't come from my shop... if you can figure out which ones they are leave a comment and I...

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!

Saturday, January 28, 2012
Hi Everyone, Lest I forget... Thank you, Thank you for all of your kind comments on my Swoon block and on the giveaway bundle yesterday! I appreciate your comments so much. I have been swamped with the sale so I haven't been able to respond to each of you like I like to do but I want you to know I read them all! Now who wins the Kit for Sally's cute table topper? Mr Random said: And number 139...

Friday Fun Day and the Giveaway...

Friday, January 27, 2012
Hi Everyone, With a little help from a friend yesterday I marked down over 200 items in the shop to 30% off. The collections that got prices slashed are Pear Tree, Power Pop, Petal Pushers, Happiness, Sugar Hill, and Primitiva... yep it is only a week old. I am clearing it all out because I need room for all of the amazing things that are coming... Pezzy Prints, Desert Daydreams, Groovin', Verona,...

New Swoonables and A Friends Blogiversary

Thursday, January 26, 2012
Hi Everyone! I am busy getting ready of the clearance sale. Will be marking lots of stuff down today and tomorrow so don't forget to go take a look in the sale section the next week or so. This is good stuff some of it is only been here a month or less... I have 15 new collections coming and I need to make room! As promised here are the two new Swoon blocks from Saturday's sew day: My friend...

Happy Belated Monday... A Walk In The Woods Charm Packs are here.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Hi Everyone, Yesterday was crazy over here! So I am just getting around to having a nice Monday LOL. While I was working last night (at 11:30 PM) I noticed that my sweet friend, (and quilt guild president) Adrianne, had picked up a  few things in the shop. I had told her on Saturday (at our sew day) that I would do a custom bundle named after her for fun, if she wanted to pick some fabrics...

Good Fortune Is Here! And a winner!

Saturday, January 21, 2012
Yay look at the pretties: And now for the winner. Mr Random said: And #113 is: Jane S. said... Great fabrics! Thank you for the chance to win them. :) January 13, 2012 6:40 PM Jane, I will email you in a moment. Sorry so short today I have a ton of orders to get out and I have to be across town by 10 for the Modern Quilt Guild Sew Day... fun but not a lot of time :) Hug...

Friday Fun Day (for real) And The Giveaway

Friday, January 20, 2012
Hi Everyone, Friday Fun Day is back for real... I am so happy because I got a little email telling me to hop on over to Sally's place and see her little table topper tutorial this morning... I gifted her with a little Petal Pushers fabric in her last package and she made something so cute with it: How would you  like to win a kit for this? I will send you all the bits you need (except the...

No Waste Flying Geese... Since you asked

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Hi Everyone! You all are asking for the directions for no waste flying geese. I think I might have over estimated the amount of fabric I will save but it is still pretty significant probably somewhere between 1/2 yard and 1 yard. You should do your own calculations before you buy your fabric if you don't want to under buy... The method that Melissa used in her Flying in Squares quilt here is...

A Stitch In Color Is Here

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Pretty huh? It is here ...

My First Swoon Block

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Hi Everyone, As promised I am back with my first Swoon block... I finished it yesterday morning. I decided to just cut one and make it since I am deviating from the pattern and making no waste flying geese to save fabric. I wanted to make sure my calculations were correct before cutting the whole quilt. If I calculated correctly it will save me about a yard and a half of white fabric... and that...

Happy Monday, Inpiration, and a Block Blog Hop

Monday, January 16, 2012
Hi Everyone! It is a Holiday for some of us! No shipping today so I have a little less pressure but will still be getting working done. The Newsletter came out last night. I hope you got yours because there are some super fun projects in there. Here is the bundle that I put together that is inspired by Maureen: A few days ago she showed some fabrics on her blog in these colors and when I told...

Let's pass out the cake! A Stitch in Color Is On The Way.

Saturday, January 14, 2012
Hi Everyone, I am actually going to start cutting my fabrics for the Swoon- Along today. I am making up a new bundle for the shop called "Inspired by Maureen" it might be what I use for the Swoon quilt. I will show you on Monday :) You might want to head on over and see Maureen she is having a giveaway today. A Stitch in Color is  on it's way should be here Tuesday or Wednesday. If this is...

Friday Fun Day... and the Giveaway

Friday, January 13, 2012
Hi Everyone, Nose to the grindstone here :) How is everyone's New Year's Resolutions coming? I am trying to Balance but it is difficult :) Lookie what showed up yesterday: They are so awesome... and a hinty... Miss Brooke will have a fun tutorial in the Newsletter (comes out on Sunday) that uses this collection. I am so so so so so so excited!!!! In about a month, give or take, there will be...

New Art Gallery Basics and A Birthday

Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Hi Everyone, I got a box of yummy yesterday... I decided to do a Color Of The Year bundle in Tangerine with a few of the Impressions prints and a bunch of the Art Gallery Basics... I think I love it! I didn't just get these gorgeous oranges... I also got a bunch of the solids in ...go check it out here. Today is my baby's 14th birthday... where has the time gone? She is gonna kill me for this...

Fourth giveaway winner....

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Hi Everyone, You should go read the blogs today there are lots of people talking and lots of fun things going on :) Winner of the $40 gift certificate.... Mr. Random said: And number 217 is: MollyP said... Balance is a great goal word. I think most women need to focus on that word. We so often give of ourselves to everyone around us until we suffer personally, and only take time for ourselves...

Declaring "I am awesome and so are you!" day and another winner WOOT!

Sunday, January 8, 2012
Hi Everyone,

As busy mom's (yes, I know there are men reading too but you don't suffer from this as much as women so you have to bear with me here), wives, business women, workers, girl Fridays...what have you, we can sometimes get down on ourselves. We always have guilt that we don't spend enough time with our children, that we messed them up so bad that they will never turn into productive adults, that we can't concentrate at work because yada yada at home it going on... I am declaring it is "You are awesome" day!

This is the day when you give yourselves a break! Your kids aren't going to graduate high school in diapers! They will some how manage to live with their dysfunctional childhood just like we all did. Not only that you have done an awesome job just by getting them to school today with their PB&J sandwich. You get to take a break because you have done everything right this morning (no really, you did). Today everything you have done or will do is just what was supposed to happen and it will all turn out perfectly! Every time you have a thought that something went wrong turn it around and say "That was perfect!"

Not only that... you are not fat today. You don't need to lose weight you are perfect just the way you are! You aren't too skinny either, perfect remember? Don't beat yourself up over that extra piece of chocolate today because it is helping you to maintain your perfection :)

If any of your friends says I need to lose weight tell them how perfect they are. Even better write a tiny little note to at least two friends today to tell them how perfect they are. How much you love them and wouldn't change a thing about them. Be sincere, they will appreciate it :)

Go forth and be awesome... and pass it on!

The third winner of the 400th post giveaway gets this:

Good Fortune fat 1/8ths ... Mr. Random said:

And number 146 was:

Mimi said...
I love Kate Spain's fabric!! Thanks for the chance!

Yea! Another Winner!

Hi Everyone, This is fun don't you think? I do anyway :) Terrible Picture... Mr. Random said: And number 35 is: Vroomans' Quilts said... Lovely zip bag, and I would not mind a bundle without the ribbon either. I like to do tutorials on my blog. December 31, 2011 9:00 AM   Sharon! I will email you in a moment :) Thank again everyone... let's do this again tomorrow ...

Ding Ding Ding Ding... we have a winner!

Saturday, January 7, 2012
Hi Everyone, We have the winner of A Walk In The Woods Fat 1/8 Bundle: Mr Randon said: And #111 is: annmarie said... Happy 400 & Happy New Year. I love Aneela Hooey. Thanks for the chance to win some! December 30, 2011 12:58 PM Woot Woot! I will be emailing you in a moment Annmarie :) Today is Modern Quilt Guild meeting day... so that is where I will be. First I have some orders...

Friday Fun Day... Let's have a party with Cake!

Friday, January 6, 2012
Hi Everyone, It's Friday! Woot Woot! Let's have Cake! Yesterday I was taking these pictures to put these Fat Quarters up for sale... but I thought let's give them away instead. There are 10 Taza Fat Quarters and 8 Little Apples Fat Quarters. Just leave a comment if you would like to have these :) I will leave the Giveaway open until next Friday at midnight as usual :) Last year on this date...

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