An interview with Jeni Baker of In Color Order

Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I am so excited and honored to be able to bring you this mini interview with Jeni B. I met Jeni a couple years ago when she bought some fabric from my Etsy shop. I am happy to call her friend.

As most of you are aware Jeni has a super popular blog called In Color Order and she is also designing fabric for Art Gallery. Nordika, her latest collection, is selling fast. It just came in on Thursday and I already made a second order for it. Take a look at her lovely Market booth...

IT: We are so in love with your new collection, Nordika. Can you tell us a little about your inspiration for it?

JB: Nordika was inspired by all things Scandinavian.  Some little village tucked away in Northern Europe where the meadows meet the sea.  It still has a bit of a retro, mid-century modern feel, but it is also very mysterious and moody.  There is almost an other-worldy quality to it!

IT: Do you have one piece of advice for aspiring fabric designers?

JB: Just start drawing. Build a portfolio of your work and keep adding to it.  Show that you can do more than just blenders or just focal prints.  It's not just about the ability to draw fabric designs, it's also about being able to put together a cohesive collection.  Most importantly, put yourself out there! Share your work. You never know how an opportunity could come about!

IT: You not only design fabric and sew but you have a very popular blog. Can you tell us two things that you think make for a great blog?

JB: I'm a very visual person, so I am often drawn to blogs that have nice photography. I also love blogs that give me a glimpse into the author's day-to-day life! It's great to see what everyone is sewing and working on, but it feels more personal when there is some normal everyday stuff thrown in too!

IT: Do you have any advice for new bloggers?

JB: Don't get discouraged! For a really long time, I had about 10 people reading my blog.  It takes a while to develop a voice and a readership, so just keep blogging! In that same vein, be consistent with content and how often you post.  Most importantly though, blog because you want to.  If you're doing it for someone else, your heart isn't going to be in it!

IT: When did you first learn to sew and what was your first project?

JB: Let's see, I first learned to sew on a machine when I was 11 years old.  At some point before that I sewed a little patchwork pillow for my doll by hand, but I'm not sure how old I was.  The first thing I made on the machine was a tote bag! For a long time, that was all I made, lots and lots of tote bags!

And now for the really important questions...

IT: If you were a Superhero what would be your super power?

JB: I'm not sure what my talent would be, but George bunny would definitely be my sidekick! Perhaps we'd be able to"cute-ify" things with a single touch!

George, faithful side-kick of the Cutifier!

IT: Night Owl or Early Bird?
JB:  Night Owl!

IT: Skittles or M&Ms?
JB: M&Ms (peanut please)!

IT: If Nordika had a theme song what would that song be?
JB: Disconnected by Keane

IT: What is the one best piece of advice you have ever been given?
JB: Be Yourself.

IT: What is your hidden talent?
JB: That's a tough one! Is being good at Harry Potter trivia a talent? If so, I'm talented in that area! ;)


Thank you so much for being our guest, Jeni!

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6 comments on "An interview with Jeni Baker of In Color Order"
  1. Nice interview, she seems like a sweet gal and I do love that Nordika!

  2. It was a fun interview. Love the fabric line!

  3. Thanks Julie and Jenny - this was a fun and interesting interview. Love this new line :-)

  4. Fun interview and love Jeni's fabric lines! And of course it's always fun to see George!

  5. What a great interview. I love her style....Her things are allways very cool.

  6. Great interview. Thanks ladies. And I'm so halt to have Nordika from IT in my stash


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