Still Recovering...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Hi Everyone, You know how it is when you have to come home to get a break from your vacation? The First Annual Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild Retreat was last weekend. I can't say it was really a vacation because I was actually working there too but it was a lot of fun. I can't believe it is Wednesday! I have been so busy catching up the last two days that I barely had time to turn around. This is...

Winner o' the chicken dinner.... or charm packs :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012
Hi Everyone, The Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild's First Annual Retreat is going great! I can't wait to share some pics when I get home... but I know all you really want to know is who won the A Walk In The Woods Charm Packs. Mr. Random Said: Yay a low number for the first time in a while!!! And the winner is: Tiffany said... Great giveaway and great question. I would say Heather Ross...

Friday Fun Day and The Giveaway

Friday, February 24, 2012
Hi Everyone, I am in such a hurry this morning... leaving for the Bay Area Modern Quilt Guild Retreat in a few hours and still need to get everything packed up. Here is something new and exclusive to my shop! When I was telling my friend Melissa at Sew Bitter Sweet Designs about the charity that I support she said that she had been looking for a way to give back with her crafting and that...

Poetica is here!

Thursday, February 23, 2012
Hi Everyone, I love these weeks when everyday brings new surprises :) I decided to do regular bundles and +Plus bundles of Poetica. So there are bundles with basics included and bundles for the purists with just the Poetica fabrics. ...

Funky Wonky Barn Quilt Tutorial

Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Hi everyone!! Sally here usurping Julie's blog again to share with you a quick, very fun tutorial tonight! :)  Julie sent me this stack of absolutely gorgeous fabric, Dan Bennett's Cosmos: Julie knows me really well! She sent the Vermillion colorway of this fabulous line. I could not get over how yummy every fat quarter felt. The hand on this stuff is superlicious!!! So I wanted to...

Hello Pilgrim is here!!

I love it so much! Look at the aqua bracelets!!!! Awesome! This is not the surprise I was talking about ...  it is still coming :) Blue Cocoa Gr...

Playing around...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Hi Everyone, I was super busy with orders yesterday but not able to ship because the PO was closed... so in the hour that I normally would have been getting shipping printed I decided to play with a few new things that came in (and a few that were already here). Put together these bundles. From Lilac to Grape: And From Cream To Curry: What do you think? I love yellow and purple together...

Happy Monday! 15% off sale

Monday, February 20, 2012
Hi Everyone, I hope your weekend was not spent like mine... taxes and inventory... yuck! I did get a few seconds to sew though. I will show you below... first I wanted to show you this adorable mug rug that Miss Brooke (hint hint you might want to take a cruise by her blog...hint hint) made with the new Desert Daydreams prints... that coffee bean print is my favorite (it looks like sequins to me) I...

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