New Stuff... on New Year's Eve

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Hi Everyone, Thanks so much for all of the well wishes. I am feeling a bit better. You all are so sweet to me :) We just got these two new collections in. Helen's Garden is so fresh and fun I am seeing many spring lovelies made from this:   Theodore & Izzy is adorable. I can see so many fun stuffies or children's clothes out of this. The florals are so crisp and graphic. I...

How about a little something for you?

Thursday, December 26, 2013
Hi Everyone, We are having a little sale for you all today. Just so you know we won't be able to ship until next week. I am still not at full strength and I don't want to have a relapse so I want to give myself a little extra time and not stress myself out :) So here it is 12 hours only... ...

Finally feeling a little more human...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
I went to the shop to cut a few last minute orders that we got today. I gave the girls Christmas Eve off. It took me 2 hours to do 3 orders. Needless to say I am not at full strength yet :) I did pick up the laptop and the camera and I have just gotten the pictures I took, before I got sick, downloaded. I know I have said this a bunch but Heather Bailey's Lottie Da and subsequently True Colors are...

Moda Sale

Saturday, December 21, 2013
Hi Everyone, Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.  Okay not greatly because I have felt like death warmed over for the last few days. This is the first time in my adult life that I have had to stay home from work for being sick. It is no fun to not be able to go to work but not be able to have any fun either. Here is a little sale for you before Christmas... 20% off all Moda fabrics...

Flash Sale

Thursday, December 19, 2013
24 Hour Flash Sale. Now until 8 AM Pacific Time Tomorrow. 20% off everything in the shop use this coupon code: WRAPITUP ...

Looking for Contributors and Sample Makers

Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Hi Everyone, Last year I had asked for volunteers for contributing to the Newsletter and it went okay. Mostly I was so overwhelmed with running the business all alone that I didn't get things mailed out in as timely a manner as I had wished to. Believe me no one is harder on me than I am on myself. Now that I have some very helpful employees I think all will go much more smoothly. I am looking...

Winner of the Sew Mama Sew Giveaway

Monday, December 16, 2013
Hi Everyone, Here to announce the winner of this Fat Quarter Bundle of Mint To Be Drum Roll...... The Winner is DianeY who said: I'll have to say seam ripper, as well, but one notion I really like when I need it is the Bloc Loc Flying Geese ruler. My geese are no longer a little wonky!   Thanks Diane! We are going to be carrying Bloc Loc rulers in the shop thanks to Diane. I know...

Handmade Holidays 13 and a Giveaway

Friday, December 13, 2013
Today we are sponsoring a giveaway on Maureen Cracknell's blog. We are giving away Mint To be Fat Quarters in Mint (which by the way is a lovely aqua or light teal) not really mint green... just saying. Don't enter here go over to Maureens blog to enter. Also this weekend we are giving you and your loved ones 10% off on Gift Certificates. You can buy the certificates 10% off and get the full redeemable...

Handmade Holidays Day 12

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Hi Everyone, Have to post a little early today. I am driving my child 4 hrs to see a movie. It is only playing in three places in California so I don't have a choice. She is honestly the easiest kid. Never asks for anything, isn't a clothes horse, doesn't even want a cell phone. If she asks to indulge her love of all things Japanese once in a while I feel like that is okay. She is starting Japanese...

Give yourself a gift

Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Hi Everyone, Would you like a surprise this holiday season? Fill your own stocking with one of these Fat Quarter Bundles of 12. You will receive one of the bundles shown, which one you get will be a surprise. These are all hand picked by Colleen (the same one that picked all of our amazing Fat Tuesday bundles, so you know you are getting something oh so good! These would make great stocking stuffers...

Handmade Holidays and a few things I made...

Hey Everyone, I am having so much fun featuring you all. Today I wanted to make a special shout out to my friend Lexi I was fortunate enough to be at her house over the weekend making Jewelry and spending time with the other creative friends, you know...  the ones that don't necessarily sew... although some of them do... but that is a story for another time. Lexi is an amazing (I know I use...

Handmade Holidays and Balance

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
First some pretty pictures... Kristine, of my sweet local customers makes the most gorgeous Modern quilts and Pillows. Her workmanship is over the top perfect. Her Etsy shop is called Josh and Paise. She has some truly lovely things like this Cathedral Window Pillow: She is giving 10% of all her sales from now until the 15th to toys for tots. Susan at Silly Gramma Quilts makes the most adorable...

Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day...

Monday, December 9, 2013
Hi Everyone, We are taking a break from Handmade Holidays today.  It is that Day of Days the ever anticipated Giveaway Day... For our Giveaway how about a Fat Quarter Bundle of Mint To Be : All you have to do to be entered in the giveaway is leave a comment below telling me the one notion you can't live without. Please leave Rotary Cutters, Mats, and Sewing Machines off. Anything that...

Handmade Holidays Day 8

Sunday, December 8, 2013
Did I mention that I got a Jury Summons for my Birthday? Yep, it came on my birthday! Thanks Santa Clara County! Here's something cute. I think I should wear one to the Jury selection :) Julie makes these adorable hats in all different sizes for her shop That's Sew Julie S she also has some cute patchwork projects and... well really I have to show another one of those adorable hats: Don't...

Handmade Holidays.... Day 7

Saturday, December 7, 2013
Today I got to make Jewelry with one of my all time favorite teachers, Kristin Robinson. If you have ever read Belle Armoire Jewelry you have probably seen her work before. She is a sweetheart. I have another class with her tomorrow. So much fun! Here is my featured shop for the day: Denise at August Blossoms makes these awesome camera straps. There is a place for your lens cap ... I am always wondering...

SALE Holiday Fabric is 50% off MSRP

Hi Everyone, All of our Holiday Fabrics are $5.25 or less. ...

Mint To Be is here

Friday, December 6, 2013
This is so pretty. I adore the Navy mostest...but they all are pretty incredible. I love the floral damask prints (not my usual) they have butterflies in them :) I saw a girl on a plane a couple months ago in an A-Line long skirt made out of an Ikat print like the navy one and it was gorgeous! I love the leaf shaped Herringbone Ogee too... lots to like here. Mint To Be ...

Handmade Holiday Days 5 and 6

Well, obviously I lost my mind for a little while yesterday and thought I had already posted and I hadn't. You forgive me right? Today (day 5) is Handmade Presents for you... or for you to make rather. I mean I know most of you are crafters that is why you follow me right? If you are anything like me then you probably are intrigued by other crafts beside quilting or sewing. I love taking art classes....

Handmade Holidays Day Four

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Hi Everyone, All but 3 orders are shipped and those are waiting for external forces. I am feeling so much better without that hanging over my head. Ready to see my picks for pressies today? Heather the owner of Junie None makes the most adorable buntings and super prices. They are afordable and adorable. Check out these fun modern banners/buntings: Barbie has the most amazing imagination....

Handmade Holidays Day Three and Another Stop on the Cushion Hop

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Hi Everyone, If you are local to our Brick and Mortar and you know Miss Molli please comment or email me. I have a special announcement to make especially for our Sparkly Friends. Speaking of Molli it is his turn on the Cushion for Christmas Blog Hop and I gotta say I am lovin' this purple pillow. Hop on over for a little tutorial... and a giggle! I love the name of this Handmade shop... A Needle...

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