The winner of the $25 gift certificate

Saturday, July 30, 2011
Hi Everyone, I know I said I was taking a break from the blog this weekend but you didn't think I meant I wasn't posting the winner did you? That would be cruel. First of all I want to say thank you to everyone I loved all of the quotes. I know it wasn't an easy task but I appreciate you all trying and I loved the home made ones as well as the famous ones. You all are the best and I am so blessed...

Friday Fun Day and The Usual Friday Giveaway

Friday, July 29, 2011
Hi Everyone, Summer Camp has started... Amanda has started a super fun little contest that you all might want to join in.... if you make one of her Glamps (that is a Glam Lamp) and send a picture to her you could win a super fun prize. And I will have a prize to giveaway here too. I am already hard at work on my Glamp design. I can't wait to show you. I will also know what you can win...

Another Sneaker Peeker...,

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Hi Everyone, The Newsletter comes out this weekend... Uh Oh I guess I better start writing it huh? This is another sweet tutorial you don't want to miss. My sweet friend Sally has made this little beauty up for you to try your hand at... ahhh Wrenly I love you so. Here is something else you should know about Sally, she is doing a giveaway and she has her own newsletter you can subscribe to. So go...

I got nothin'....

Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Hi Everyone, I have bloggers block... seriously I have been so busy with the shop since Friday that I haven't sewn a stitch. So instead I am resorting to stealing photos from Brooke ... okay I didn't steal it. She sent it to me. These are two more sneak peeks of her Tutorials for the newsletter this month. Above is a Dazzle table topper. She is a machine I tell you. I also tell you...

A Sneaker Peeker

Monday, July 25, 2011
Hi Everyone, Here is a sneaker peeker of just one of Brooke's tutorials that will be in my newsletter this month. Isn't she the bomb? I mean really? Don't miss signing up for the newsletter (in the upper right hand corner of the blog) if you don't want to miss out on this and a few other things up my sleeve. As always it will be out the last day of the month. I got no sewing done this weekend....

A winner, 69 new fabrics....and a Pinnie

Saturday, July 23, 2011
Hi Everyone, Heirloom and Pernilla's Journey came yesterday: This picture cannot convey the total invasion... I have 1/3rd more fabric than I had before it came. Heirloom is way more gorgeous then even I expected it to be and Pernilla's Journey has detail...oh so amazing... My new friend Jennifer is a huge Joel Dewberry fanatic and she couldn't wait another second to come over and make her hand...

Friday Fun Day (delayed a bit) & The Giveaway

Friday, July 22, 2011
Hi Everyone, I didn't get much sleep last night (Too excited about Heirloom and Pernilla's Journey coming today I think). Some of the almost 39 prints in Heirloom Our Friday Tutorial for The Quilted Fish is going to be slightly delayed today. So I thought you might like to see this fun tutorial from Sew Take A Hike a diaper wristlet with changing pad out of Laurie Wisbrun's new fabric,...

I saw something fun last night...

Thursday, July 21, 2011
Hi Everyone, I just happened to be on Twitter when Marisa posted a picture of Meet The Gang that she received. That really gets the creative juices flowing. It is too bad we have to wait another 4 months to get our hands on some... But at least a little of this: Joel Dewberry Heirloom And this: Tina Givens Pernilla's Journey Will be here tomorrow! So exciting! Talk soo...

Do you Flickr?

Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Hi Everyone, I felt positively not myself yesterday without a blog post :) I know you saw this pillow. I made it for one of my must not miss swaps on Flickr. Do you ever swap on Flickr? I was speaking with one of the fabric reps the other day and she didn't know Flickr I was a bit surprised. Here are a few of my favorite swap groups (The ones I won't miss for anything.) This is the Pillow I received...

Happy Monday, More FWQAL, and Source For Inspiration

Monday, July 18, 2011
Hi Everyone, I made 6 blocks over the weekend in an effort to catch up on the FWQAL:  Farmer's Wife Block #7   Farmer's Wife Block #8  Farmer's Wife Block #9 Farmer's Wife Block #10 Farmer's Wife Block #11 Farmer's Wife Block #12  Now I think I just have to do 4 this week to be caught up to the rest of the group... I am really enjoying making these especially with my...

Winner winner! And more FWQAL

Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hi Everyone, I know you want to know who got some of this: There are two winners today! First Mr. Random said: And Number 67 is: scottylover said... Flora & Summerhouse please! As much as I love the Ruby line I don't think it works well with what you have already. LOVE the Robin egg blue in Summerhouse. YUMMY! Sandy A July 8, 2011 6:23 PM Then Mr. Random said: And number...

Friday Fun Day... the Giveaway (of Course)...I Win!... and Cards

Friday, July 15, 2011
Hi Everyone, Are you ready to get your Summer wardrobe on? Check out this adorable skirt tutorial from Johanna on The Quilted Fish's blog Anyone that had purchased from my shop before can tell you that I send a "Thank You" card with each order. It was getting a little expensive so while Joann had a sale on paper crafting stuff I stocked up on cards. Erin and I decided to decorate them yesterday....

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