I've Lost My Mojo and Newsletter Sneaker Peekers

Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Hi Everyone, That day again... Newsletter day... This is a working picture of Sasha's Hanging Sewing Tools Organizer... gosh I love those fabrics. This is perfect for those of us that are horizontal surface challenged. This is Sally's Simple BowTie Quilt. I am in love with this one and think she needs to send it to me LOL Just kidding Sally don't really do that.... I will be there in October to...

Lots of new stuff....

Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Hi Everyone, It is always so exciting to meet new sales reps for companies that you haven't worked with before. I had that pleasure last night as I met with my rep for Northcott and Windham. These two companies are ones that I previously had not really considered. Why you ask? Because they have always been primarily traditional fabric companies so I expected them to not have a lot to offer to a primarily...

Giveaway of The Quilted Fish's New Collection Delighted

Monday, August 29, 2011
Hi Everyone, Just had to come by and post about Amanda's giveaway she is doing on Facebook for Delighted. Head over there and get yourself some yumminess. Linky ...

Don't forget about the 20% off sale this weekend

Saturday, August 27, 2011
It only lasts until Sunday at midnight (see yesterdays post for the particulars)....

Friday Fun Day, Sale it Again Sam, and The Giveaway

Friday, August 26, 2011
Hi Everyone, I feel like I have been so buried over here that I have hardly come up for air. Here is the fun part for Friday: This is an art canvas similar to the ones that I make. I did not make this but you can make it with this super tutorial over here Video Tutorial from The Scarlet Lime. So for all of you that ask me how I do it this is a pretty good idea of how it goes. I finished my...

Sneak Peeks and Other Random Stuff

Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Hi Everyone! Sorry for being so quiet this week. It is a bad idea to take 2 days off when you work for yourself you end up making up for it for a week :) This is a sneak peek of a Little Apples Tutorial that Brooke is working on for the Newsletter. Precious! And here are a couple pictures of a Taza project she is working up for you too. Dang that girl is prolific! All of my testing Guinea Pigs you...

A Sneak Peek...

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Hey Everyone, Look at this: Delighted! Isn't it supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? Love, love, love those colors! Can't wait to play with it. Go over to Amanda's blog for the low down, a special question, and an invitation. (you will be getting an invitation from me soon as well) Talk soon...

A quiet Monday?

Monday, August 22, 2011
Well... quiet from the keyboard but not in my shop. I have way too much to get out today so I can't say umuch this morning. Guinea Pig Army I am sorry but it looks like I can't give you your undercover assignment until Wednesday now. 20% off continues until Midnight tonight so don't miss it. (look at Saturdays post for the coupon code if you didn't see it). I will try to be back to normal for Wednesdays...

Clearance Sale

Saturday, August 20, 2011
Hey, I have to make some room CLEAR20 is the code for 20% off. Come and get it...

Friday Fun Day, Giveaway Winner, and the new Giveaway

Friday, August 19, 2011
Hi Everyone! Time to Reveal the Glamp Kit Giveaway winner. If you are looking for the Little Apples Giveaway winner Di has posted the name here. Now for the Glamp Giveaway The winner will receive a Glamp Kit straight from the one and only Quiltded Fish and a few fat quarters of the ever popular and sold out Sugar & Spice collection of fabrics from me. Mr. Random says: And Number 39 is: Quilter...

Wanted: Guinea Pigs... and more new fabric.

Thursday, August 18, 2011
Hi Everyone, First the eye candy: These are from Rendezvous by Khristian A. Howell for Anthology... it was the Damask that did me in. I know some people are saying they are tired of teal and red... but this is oh so different and sophisticated. Click here to see the whole collection. (be sure to click the thumbnails for full size pictures these are gorgeous)   This is The Woodlands...

Where did Tuesday go?

Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Hi Everyone, I can tell you where my Tuesday went... I woke up this morning thinking it was Tuesday because yesterday (the real Tuesday) went straight to the dogs first thing. I had a migraine that made me sick (yes, that kind of sick) so the rest of the day pretty much got away from me. The one thing I did yesterday was ordered more fabric... I mean what is a fabri-holic to do right? This is Moroccan...

Happy Monday

Monday, August 15, 2011
Hi Everyone, What a weekend! No time for sewing but maybe today. I can hope right? Take a look at the adorable mug rug Sasha made with some scraps I sent her: Totally love it! Here is the beginnings of the mug rug for my partner in the Scrappy Mug Rug Swap: It is actually past this stage already sewn together just have to quilt it and bind it now. What have you been sewing this summer? Inquiring...

Giveaway Winner, Echo, and New Friends

Saturday, August 13, 2011
Hi Everyone, I know you are itching to find out who the winner of the Wrenly charm pack is so without further ado: Mr Randon said: And #51 was: Tamie said... How about a tutorial on a fabric basket cube? Thanks for the giveaway. I'd love some Wrenly. August 5, 2011 1:17 PM Congrats Tamie I will be emailing you in a moment for your particulars :)  So excited to tell you about a new line...

Friday Fun Day- Art Smock Tutorial and Y seams

Friday, August 12, 2011
Hi Everyone, If you are looking for the Friday giveaway it can be found here on Thursday. Last week I didn't have a tutorial for you from The Quilted Fish but wouldn't you know it Sally that sly girl had a surprise up her sleeve. So go check out her Laminate tutorial for a little girl's art smock: Isn't her daughter the cutest thing? Working my way through all of your requests for tutorials...

Summer Camp Reveal and Lots of Giveaways

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hi Everyone! Yay! The Quilted Fish's Summer Camp is heading into the final stretch. Here is my Glamp: Now everyone that made a Glamp and sent photos to Amanda will be voted on for the next week or so over at her blog and the winners get some nice prizes. Lucky me I get to giveaway a prize myself. One lucky winner from this blog will receive this Glamp Kit: Everything you need (except...

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