Star Crazy....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Yes, I feel it... after 3 hrs of cutting... and a few hours sewing... here are my stars:

I just wanted to prove I wasn't giving up.

When these were finished I realized that I was an idiot but I refuse to tell you what I did. Suffice to say I will be doing a bit more cutting tomorrow (the stars are fine it was another part I messed up) so... half squares and Irish Chains tomorrow or Friday (I just remembered I have a busy day not with quilting tomorrow).
3 comments on "Star Crazy...."
  1. Yay!! So glad you haven't given up. They look great!

  2. The Irish Chain blocks are actually quite easy to put together, just a bit of cutting before. Your blocks look great, I like the colours!

  3. Those are great blocks. Your contrast in the blocks will really make them stand out... it's going to be beautiful.


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