Hi Everyone,
I have been thinking on this for a while. First of all have you all met
TraceyJay? Tracey is heading up a campaign,
Quilt Hope In, to help orphan children in Haiti by making quilts to auction to raise funds for
Heartline Ministries there. I have already donated fabric and have pledged to make items for the etsy shop. Here is my idea for us:
1. Let's do a round robin quilt swap (a few more details below)
2. Let's make an item for the etsy shop of Quilt Hope In (this can be your round robin quilt or another item I am not picky :) )
Whaddya think?
More about the Round Robin to start in January/February:
FYI: It is early in the morning and I don't know (or can't think straight with half a cup of coffee) all of the details but the bare bones are:
1. Make a center square for your quilt any size you like
2. Choose some co-ordinating fabrics 1/4 yds or 1/2 yds depending on how big your center square is.
3. Get a list of swappers (I will keep it to 4 members per group, hopefully we will have at least one full group)
4. Send your center and co-ordinating fabrics to the person in the list after you.
5. Each swapper adds at least 5 inches to the height and width of the center block. This can be done in a variety of ways. Adding at least 2 1/2 inch borders, five to the top and one side... etc... But be creative, plain strip borders would be a little boring...
6. Expect to use some of your stash to supliment whatever the owner sent.
7. You have one month between switches (super important to be on time) then you send it to the next person in the list.
8. When you receive your quilt back you can either finish it and donate it to Quilt Hope In or make another item for their shop (Or you can make an item anytime the more the better)
Please let me know if you would like to join. I would like to have at least one reference from another swap if possible only because this is a bit of an outlay for us all and it would not be good to have things go missing.
I am going to post on flickr about it too.
PS: Tracey is giving away a Go cutter on her blog check it out :)