Selfies a day late...

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Hi Everyone,

Sorry I am a day late with this... not that you really want to see my face that much anyway. I was super busy yesterday getting some things uploaded to the website. Two Jen Kingwell patterns, three Green Bee (Alexia Abegg) patterns and a new collection called Ahoy Matie that is just about the cutest pirate fabric ever seen, and Northcott is giving the profits to a charity called Quilts For Kids.

Some of these selfies are not my selfies... they belong to Sally but since I was with her.... Sally gained her own hashtag at Market #selfieswithsally she pretty much took a selfie with everyone we met it got to be pretty hilarious by the time we were done. So here goes... anyone that knows me knows I hate to have my picture taken but I decided that I was just going to give up vanity and really... who looks good in a selfie anyway?

First selfie in the parking garage on the way to Schoolhouse:


Selfie with Elizabeth from Don't Call Me Betsy Who was the first person we saw when we got to the convention center... that we knew that is...

W/ @dontcallmebetsy at #quiltmarket 

 Then there is a strange lack of selfies until the next morning when Market started... the first person I had to get a selfie with was Kate Spain we were all fresh and non sweaty at that point I thought it best to hug her before we all got moist LOL

#selfie With @katespain 

Then another with all the girls...


Then we wondered over to the Art Gallery ummm I will have to call it a town lots of booths :) and saw Miss JeniB

Selfie with Jeni #jenib320 

 and Leah Duncan


And as we were wondering we found Lizzy House who showed us the SOAK booth and little known to her I had already bought her nail polish collection for the shop... yes, you can have Pearl Bracelet nails in about a week :)


 Here we are at the Modern Meet Up with some very familiar faces including Elizabeth again, Jessica Levitt and Angela Walters:

#selfieswithsally at the modern meet up 

And here I am with the super sweet Jenean Morrison. I was carrying my tote bag that I made from her fabric and she had to stop me and tell me that it was her fabric. She is so sweet and humble that she didn't think i would know who she was or how to spell her name. Of course I do because I love her and her fabric!!!!

Selfie with @jeneanmorrison 

  Last but not least... And honestly this is my favorite ... not because I think it is a great picture but because of what transpired just before we took it. (well that really is a sweet pic of Pat)

Thank you Pat for the heartfelt and wise advice! I will always remember your kindness! @patbravodesign 

I got the sweetest and most heartfelt advice from Pat Bravo. She took a tiny spare moment (trust me she didn't have many of those) took me aside and gave me personal business advice. What a kind and wonderful woman. If you ever get the chance to meet her you must! 

Okay that is enough photos to last me a lifetime. And it is late! Gotta get to work!
2 comments on "Selfies a day late... "
  1. That looks like so much fun!

    All these beautiful, creative women.....

  2. #selfieswithsally best hashtag ever!!! :) teeeheeeeee!!!


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