Rolling Stone Block Tutorial

Thursday, December 10, 2015
Hey Everyone,

It is called Rolling Stone or Broken Wheel ...


1 1/2" Squares - 4 of light print, 12 of background fabric
1 1/2" x 2 1/2" Rectangles - 4 of light print, 4 of dark print
2 1/2" Squares - 5 (I fussy cut one for the center but you don't have to) dark print


Mark a line on the back of all 1 1/2" squares diagonally. To make your flip and sew corners

Sew three background corner squares (1 1/2")  and one light print corner (1 1/2")  to each of four dark print squares (2 1/2"). And sew the long side of the 4 light and four dark print rectangles together. You should have four sections each that look like this:

Layout your sections in a nine patch like this:

Sew in rows and then sew the three rows together and voila.

I made this a really simple tutorial so if you need any clarification let me know. This will turn out the same as the other blocks at 6 1/2" unfinished.

Here is a PDF if you want to download and keep with your other shuffle files

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4 comments on "Rolling Stone Block Tutorial"
  1. Cute block.Thanks for the tips.
    Merry Christmas.

  2. What a nice block to add to the shuffle. I love your fabric choices. Merry Christmas!

  3. Thanks! I've always liked this block and this makes it very simple to make.


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