How about a Quilt Along?

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Hey Everyone,

I am almost ready to throw myself back into this space. To get things started my friends Brooke and Sally and I are going to do a quilt along with you. I designed a fun pattern for a Christmas quilt out of Tilda's Cottage. Each of us will give you part of the pattern and we will sew together for the next few weeks. It will start next Wednesday.

The blocks will be available in two different sizes so you can make small projects or larger projects.

Here is an idea of some of the ways you can put the blocks together:

Sally wanted a bed runner so this is 72" by 22"

And I did these two different versions as ideas for Brooke for table runners:

 This one is 32" by 12"

This one is 37" by 12"

Here is a fun button for your blog if you like.

My version will be a lap size. I will show that to you on Wednesday when we kick off...

I made kits if you would like to purchase your supplies you can find them here.

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24 comments on "How about a Quilt Along?"
  1. I would love to join in with you.

  2. I too would love to do this one so cute

  3. This looks like fun. I would love to do it. Nancy A:

  4. I'm in for the table runner. Just bought my kit.

  5. Looks like fun! Count me in ... :-) Pat

  6. Looks great. Maybe I can squeeze it in.

  7. That is a super fun Christmas pattern. Well done, you.

  8. Love the pattern and the fabrics. Hope to join in the fun!

  9. Love the table runners. And a bed runner is such a good idea for the holidays.

  10. Looks fantastic.I`m in to make a table runner.

  11. Looks like a great quilt along!

  12. I just ordered the table runner kit. Thanks, Julie!

  13. Sounds like fun! I am ready to sew along. Thanks!

  14. Those are really cute! I'll have to see if I can squeeze this in!

  15. Wonderful fabric and designs, can’t wait to get started

  16. I think the table runner is a perfect design for my two young grand children to enjoy when sitting at my smaller dining room table.
    Count me in. “The distracted quilter”. Donna S.

  17. This is my first visit. I'll be watching as you quilt a long.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I broke my right wrist last week, but I'd love to follow along. Can't sew for another 6-7 weeks. ��


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