A little something extra for Christmas

Sunday, December 23, 2018
Hey Everyone,

I made one more set of stickers for you. I am on a mission to use up what I have. So in that spirit I decided to re-purpose the unused weeks in my 2018 planner, because I was a sporadic planner and I have a million planners that I like to switch back and forth in.

I made this page of stickers to cover the one or two things that I put on my dailies and cover the month on the top left of the page. Then I use the day covers to change the days (you can find those in the December Download) and dates. I made two sets of numbers so you can change your monthly page too if you want to. I wasn't planning on sharing this so I didn't care that the numbers were out of order so I hope it doesn't bother you either :)

Here is what it looks like all mixed with the rest of January's stickers to make last May into this January... May had the same days and dates so it worked out nicely. I am not showing every page but this gives you an idea...

Hope you enjoy!


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