Almost finished... and a question..

Monday, October 4, 2010
Here is my Dream On Quilt:

It is almost finished... I even got the machine part of the binding sewn on yesterday. It is tangerine... LOVE IT!

Here is the back... you can't see the vertical lines in the picture but it is quilted horizontally and vertically with wavy lines. I wanted to keep it simple 'cause it is that kind of quilt :)

So my question is do any of you have favorite scrapbooking blogs? I would love to find a few. You might (with luck on my part) get to see why I am asking tomorrow.

Talk soon!
3 comments on "Almost finished... and a question.."
  1. My friend is an amazing scrapper. Here is her blog. And she is in some scrappy groups so there are lots of links :)

  2. Love your Dream On quilt Julie! Did you use a jelly roll?

  3. Dream on is dreeamy!!! Sweet quilt Julie!


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