Yep, there is more....

Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Hi Everyone,

Did I mention that we have 18 collections coming this month? Sorry if it feels like I am spamming fabric pictures... Here is what came yesterday...

I am Ninja

Punch Garden Flannel

Remix Ovals

We picked the first palette yesterday but it will be revealed with the other three on Friday evening. Each of my assistants work on different days so we are picking one each day until Friday.

10 comments on "Yep, there is more...."
  1. I always love seeing what's new in the shop. Always! Keep those gorgeous fabrics coming. : )

  2. But, I like spam.

    Would love to see updated pics of the shop.

  3. Cute Ninjas. Keep the photos coming. How else will we know what is out there?

  4. Those Ninja's are ADORABLE!! I see a nephew's quilt in my future...!

  5. could there be such a thing as too many photos of fabrics? No, never!

  6. Too many fabric photos?! You MUST be joking ;)

  7. Those little ninjas are AWESOME!! I don't know what I would use that collection for, but they certainly got my attention :) and made me smile.


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