Handmade Holidays Day 12

Thursday, December 12, 2013
Hi Everyone,

Have to post a little early today. I am driving my child 4 hrs to see a movie. It is only playing in three places in California so I don't have a choice. She is honestly the easiest kid. Never asks for anything, isn't a clothes horse, doesn't even want a cell phone. If she asks to indulge her love of all things Japanese once in a while I feel like that is okay. She is starting Japanese in school in the next semester and she has been teaching herself the Kanji characters for the last year. She wants to be a translator.

Today I am featuring Vickie from Quilt Rhapsody.  Vickie has some super fun Hexagon quilts in her shop but what really caught my eye were these two Holiday pillows out of fun modern fabrics:

I hope you will go over and take a look at her fun bright shop.
6 comments on "Handmade Holidays Day 12"
  1. You are a good mom and your daughter sounds like a keeper. Have fun

  2. Hi! I am a second generation Japanese American and have wanted to be better at speaking Japanese myself. I have found it enjoyable and helpful to watch Japanese dramas online which have English subtitles provided by volunteer translators. Here is a good website to access the dramas. Usually the Japanese dramas are pretty safe in terms of age appropriateness.


    here's one about the true "eight below" dog story that i really liked:


  3. Sounds like you have a wonderful daughter. Mother/daughter relationships are the best! I have one daughter, my baby, and we are very close. Make the most of it, not everyone is so lucky!! Y'all have fun!! Love those pillows, by the way. I'm off to check her site.

  4. Hope you have fun at the movies! Do they have sushi at Japanese ones rather than popcorn? That would be cool...

  5. That was really nice, mom ;-)

    I love Japanese too, especially everything Kokka and Nani Iro.
    Wait, this wasn't about fabric - oups.

    My daughter could have started to learn Japanese in High school - how exciting is that? - but she wanted to learn american sign language, but she didn't get in. Now she is learning French, and at least that is something I can help her with.

    I wish I could do some fabric browsing now, but I do have to go back to work - so many orders to fulfill....

    Have a wonderful christmas time,

  6. That round pillow is adorable.


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