Happy Columbus Day

Monday, October 10, 2011
Hi Everyone,

I am so glad he found us LOL Just kiddin'. So how was your weekend? I didn't get as much sewing done as planned but:

I did finish the center of the top of my Pillow Talk Swap pillow. I hope my partner likes it because I have a crush on it for sure!

I also got my banner finished for Amanda's party. I will get a picture of it today when the sun comes out to show you tomorrow.

I received my mug rug swap over the weekend I was just lucky that it got here because the envelope was ripped wide open.

Cuteness look at those adorable owls and birds!

Have a wonderful start to the week... see you tomorrow :)

Talk soon!

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22 comments on "Happy Columbus Day"
  1. I think I have a crush on it too.

  2. Fabulous pillow! I made a halloween pillowcase for my granddaughter's day care pillow. I was mad that I forgot to take pictures of it before I gave it to her...a missed blog post opportunity, lol!

  3. Your pillow top is wonderful! So glad that your swap item made it to you -- I've had that happen before, too! I am rethinking my shipping habits; maybe I can't use the plastic envelopes anymore!

  4. Beautiful pillow top- I love the mix of fabrics! And that is one cute mugrug.

  5. Oh I do love that pillow top!! Lucky partner!! That mug rug is so cute! And I can relate to packages coming ripped open!! (Me and Sasha's ordeal with the postage service!! grrrr)
    I'm going to use a roll of tape next shipment!! It's just crazy!

  6. what's a muug rug swap? well what is a mug rug? I assume something to put your mug on?? just unlike anything I've ever seen.

  7. Love your pillow top! Great colors

  8. Not a productive weekend as far as sewing - we went to an apple orchard, went shopping, church and relaxing. NOW I am ready to get back to work!

  9. Love the colors/fabrics you've chosen for your pillow swap. And the mug rug is darling!

  10. Beautiful pillow! I can see why you have a crush on it

  11. Beautiful pillow top and the mug rug is adorable.

  12. hello! ..im popping over from sewbittersweetdesigns.com

  13. I love your pillow Julie - it`s adorable!

  14. if your swap partner throws it back in your face, I get first dibs! CAAAAA-UTE!

  15. I'm stopping by to say "hi" from over at Sew BitterSweet. Love your blog.

  16. I was sent over here by Sew BitterSweet. I love the mug rug...I just started quilting in late Sept., and hadn't heard the term 'mug rug' until recently. I am obsessed with owls, so that's definitely my favorite part of the fabric design.

  17. Stopping by to say Hi. Melissa from Bitter Sweet sent me.

  18. Looks great so far. Can't wait to see the rest of that.

    The mug rug is super cute.

  19. I love how the colors pop with the grey background! Plus I'm stopping over to say hi from Melissa's.


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